Introduction to Jiu Jitsu for
Law Enforcement
Athletic attire, shorts and t shirt.
To understand basic principles of Jiu Jitsu and how to apply them in the line of duty. Main focus of this seminar is how to Control, Exhaust, and Arrest a resisting individual WITHOUT backup or the use of weapons. Many assaults against officers can happen so quickly, there is no time or space available to wait for backup, or access weapons. This process will be broken down into 4 basic steps with two options for each step:
Manage and Close the Distance
Take Them Down
Exhaust Them
Wait for backup/begin cuffing
Step 1: Manage and Close the Distance
Option 1 - Arm Drag to Rear Clinch (against low level of resistance)
Option 2 - Rhino Charge to Front Clinch (against high level of resistance)
Step 2: Take Them Down
Option 1 - Rear Takedown
Option 2 - Body Fold + Leg Hook Takedown
Step 3: Exhaust Them
Option 1 - Side Control
Option 2 - Mount
Step 4: Wait for backup/begin cuffing
Option 1 - Noodle and Chicken Wing Extraction
Option 2 - Verbal Compliance/Wait for Backup